第十六章. 使用文件

Chapter 16. Working With Files

大多数构建工作都要使用到文件。Gradle 添加了一些概念和 API 来帮助您实现这一目标。
Most builds work with files. Gradle adds some concepts and APIs to help you achieve this.

16.1. 定位文件

16.1. Locating files

你可以使用 Project.file() 方法来找到一个相对于项目目录的文件 。
You can locate a file relative to the project directory using the Project.file() method.

示例 16.1. 查找文件
Example 16.1. Locating files


// Using a relative path
File configFile = file('src/config.xml')

// Using an absolute path
configFile = file(configFile.absolutePath)

// Using a File object with a relative path
configFile = file(new File('src/config.xml'))

您可以把任何对象传递给 file()方法,而它将尝试将其转换为一个绝对路径的 File对象。通常情况下,你会传给它一个 StringFile的实例。而所提供的这个对象的 tostring()方法的值会作为文件路径。如果这个路径是一个绝对路径,它会用于构构一个 File实例。否则,会通过先计算所提供的路径相对于项目目录的相对路径来构造 File实例。这个 file ()方法也可以识别URL,例如是 file:/some/path.xml
You can pass any object to the file() method, and it will attempt to convert the value to an absolute File object. Usually, you would pass it a String or File instance. The supplied object's toString() value is used as the file path. If this path is an absolute path, it is used to construct a File instance. Otherwise, a File instance is constructed by prepending the project directory path to the supplied path. The file() method also understands URLs, such as file:/some/path.xml .

这是把一些用户提供的值转换为一个相对路径的 File对象的有用方法。由于 file()方法总是去计算所提供的路径相对于项目目录的路径,最好是使用 new File(somePath),因为它是一个固定的路径,而不会因为用户运行Gradle的具体工作目录而改变。
Using this method is a useful way to convert some user provided value into an absolute File . It is preferable to using new File(somePath) , as file() always evaluates the supplied path relative to the project directory, which is fixed, rather than the current working directory, which can change depending on how the user runs Gradle.

16.2. 文件集合

16.2. File collections

一个 文件集合只是表示一组文件。它通过 FileCollection 接口来表示。Gradle API 中的许多对象都实现了此接口。比如, 依赖配置 就实现了 FileCollection 这一接口。
A file collection is simply a set of files. It is represented by the FileCollection interface. Many objects in the Gradle API implement this interface. For example, dependency configurations implement FileCollection .

使用 Project.files() 方法是获取一个 FileCollection实例的其中一个方法。你可以向这个方法传入任意个对象,而它们会被转换为一组 File 对象。这个 Files()方法接受任何类型的对象作为其参数。根据 16.1 章节 “定位文件”里对 file()方法的描述,它的结果会被计算为相对于项目目录的相对路径。你也可以将集合,迭代变量,map和数组传递给 files()方法。它们会被展开,并且内容会转换为 File 实例。
One way to obtain a FileCollection instance is to use the Project.files() method. You can pass this method any number of objects, which are then converted into a set of File objects. The files() method accepts any type of object as its parameters. These are evaluated relative to the project directory, as per the file() method, described in Section 16.1, “Locating files” . You can also pass collections, iterables, maps and arrays to the files() method. These are flattened and the contents converted to File instances.

示例 16.2. 创建一个文件集合
Example 16.2. Creating a file collection


FileCollection collection = files('src/file1.txt', new File('src/file2.txt'), ['src/file3.txt', 'src/file4.txt'])

一个文件集合是可迭代的,并且可以使用 as操作符转换为其他类型的对象集合。您还可以使用 +运算符把两个文件集合相加,或使用 -运算符减去一个文件集合。这里是一些使用文件集合的例子。
A file collection is iterable, and can be converted to a number of other types using the as operator. You can also add 2 file collections together using the + operator, or subtract one file collection from another using the - operator. Here are some examples of what you can do with a file collection.

示例 16.3. 使用一个文件集合
Example 16.3. Using a file collection


// Iterate over the files in the collection
collection.each {File file ->
    println file.name

// Convert the collection to various types
Set set = collection.files
Set set2 = collection as Set
List list = collection as List
String path = collection.asPath
File file = collection.singleFile
File file2 = collection as File

// Add and subtract collections
def union = collection + files('src/file3.txt')
def different = collection - files('src/file3.txt')

你也可以向 files()方法传一个闭包或一个 Callable实例。它会在查询集合内容,并且它的返回值被转换为一组 文件实例时被调用。这个闭包或Callable实例的返回值可以是 files()方法所支持的任何类型的对象。这是 “实现” FileCollection接口的简单方法。
You can also pass the files() method a closure or a Callable instance. This is called when the contents of the collection are queried, and its return value is converted to a set of File instances. The return value can be an object of any of the types supported by the files() method. This is a simple way to 'implement' the FileCollection interface.

示例 16.4. 实现一个文件集合
Example 16.4. Implementing a file collection


task list << {
    File srcDir

    // Create a file collection using a closure
    collection = files { srcDir.listFiles() }

    srcDir = file('src')
    println "Contents of $srcDir.name"
    collection.collect { relativePath(it) }.sort().each { println it }

    srcDir = file('src2')
    println "Contents of $srcDir.name"
    collection.collect { relativePath(it) }.sort().each { println it }

gradle -q list 的输出结果
Output of gradle -q list

> gradle -q list
Contents of src
Contents of src2

你可以向 files()传入以下一些其他类型的对象:
Some other types of things you can pass to files() :


These are flattened and the contents included in the file collection.


The output files of the task are included in the file collection.


TaskOutputs 的输出文件会被包含在文件集合内。
The output files of the TaskOutputs are included in the file collection.

要注意的一个地方是,一个文件集合的内容是缓计算的,它只在需要的时候才计算。这意味着您可以,比如创建一个 FileCollection 对象而里面的文件会在以后才创建,比方说在一些任务中才创建。
It is important to note that the content of a file collection is evaluated lazily, when it is needed. This means you can, for example, create a FileCollection that represents files which will be created in the future by, say, some task.

16.3. 文件树

16.3. File trees

文件树是按层次结构排序的文件集合。例如,文件树可能表示一个目录树或 ZIP 文件的内容。它通过 FileTree 接口表示。 FileTree接口继承自 FileCollection,所以你可以用对待文件集合一样的方式来对待文件树。Gradle 中的几个对象都实现了 FileTree接口,例如 source sets
A file tree is a collection of files arranged in a hierarchy. For example, a file tree might represent a directory tree or the contents of a ZIP file. It is represented by the FileTree interface. The FileTree interface extends FileCollection , so you can treat a file tree exactly the same way as you would a file collection. Several objects in Gradle implement the FileTree interface, such as source sets .

使用 Project.fileTree() 方法是获取一个 FileTree实例的其中一种方法。它将定义一个基目录创建 FileTree对象,并可以选择加上一些 Ant风格的包含与排除模式。
One way to obtain a FileTree instance is to use the Project.fileTree() method. This creates a FileTree defined with a base directory, and optionally some Ant-style include and exclude patterns.

示例 16.5. 创建一个文件树
Example 16.5. Creating a file tree


// Create a file tree with a base directory
FileTree tree = fileTree(dir: 'src/main')

// Add include and exclude patterns to the tree
tree.include '**/*.java'
tree.exclude '**/Abstract*'

// Create a tree using path
tree = fileTree('src').include('**/*.java')

// Create a tree using closure
tree = fileTree('src') {
    include '**/*.java'

// Create a tree using a map
tree = fileTree(dir: 'src', include: '**/*.java')
tree = fileTree(dir: 'src', includes: ['**/*.java', '**/*.xml'])
tree = fileTree(dir: 'src', include: '**/*.java', exclude: '**/*test*/**')

You use a file tree in the same way you use a file collection. You can also visit the contents of the tree, and select a sub-tree using Ant-style patterns:

示例 16.6. 使用文件树
Example 16.6. Using a file tree


// Iterate over the contents of a tree
tree.each {File file ->
    println file

// Filter a tree
FileTree filtered = tree.matching {
    include 'org/gradle/api/**'

// Add trees together
FileTree sum = tree + fileTree(dir: 'src/test')

// Visit the elements of the tree
tree.visit {element ->
    println "$element.relativePath => $element.file"

16.4. 使用归档文件的内容作为文件树

16.4. Using the contents of an archive as a file tree

您可以使用档案的内容,如 ZIP 或者 TAR 文件,作为一个文件树。你可以通过使用 Project.zipTree() Project.tarTree() 方法来实现这一过程。这些方法返回一个 FileTree实例,您可以像使用任何其他文件树或文件集合一样使用它。例如,您可以用它来通过复制内容扩大归档,或把一些档案合并到另一个归档文件中。
You can use the contents of an archive, such as a ZIP or TAR file, as a file tree. You do this using the Project.zipTree() and Project.tarTree() methods. These methods return a FileTree instance which you can use like any other file tree or file collection. For example, you can use it to expand the archive by copying the contents, or to merge some archives into another.

示例 16.7. 使用归档文件作为文件树
Example 16.7. Using an archive as a file tree


// Create a ZIP file tree using path
FileTree zip = zipTree('someFile.zip')

// Create a TAR file tree using path
FileTree tar = tarTree('someFile.tar')

//tar tree attempts to guess the compression based on the file extension
//however if you must specify the compression explicitly you can:
FileTree someTar = tarTree(resources.gzip('someTar.ext'))

16.5. 指定一组输入文件

16.5. Specifying a set of input files

Gradle 中的许多对象都有一个接受一组输入文件的属性。例如, JavaCompile 任务有一个 source属性,定义了要编译的源代码文件。你可以使用上面所示的 files()方法所支持的任意类型的对象设置此属性。这意味着您可以通过如 FileString、 集合、 FileCollection对象,或甚至是一个闭包来设置此属性。这里有一些例子:
Many objects in Gradle have properties which accept a set of input files. For example, the JavaCompile task has a source property, which defines the source files to compile. You can set the value of this property using any of the types supported by the files() method, which was shown above. This means you can set the property using, for example, a File , String , collection, FileCollection or even a closure. Here are some examples:

示例 16.8. 指定一组文件
Example 16.8. Specifying a set of files


// Use a File object to specify the source directory
compile {
    source = file('src/main/java')

// Use a String path to specify the source directory
compile {
    source = 'src/main/java'

// Use a collection to specify multiple source directories
compile {
    source = ['src/main/java', '../shared/java']

// Use a FileCollection (or FileTree in this case) to specify the source files
compile {
    source = fileTree(dir: 'src/main/java').matching { include 'org/gradle/api/**' }

// Using a closure to specify the source files.
compile {
    source = {
        // Use the contents of each zip file in the src dir
        file('src').listFiles().findAll {it.name.endsWith('.zip')}.collect { zipTree(it) }

通常情况下,有一个与属性相同名称的方法,可以追加这个文件集合。再者,这个方法接受 files()方法所支持的任何类型的参数。
Usually, there is a method with the same name as the property, which appends to the set of files. Again, this method accepts any of the types supported by the files() method.

示例 16.9. 指定一组文件
Example 16.9. Specifying a set of files


compile {
    // Add some source directories use String paths
    source 'src/main/java', 'src/main/groovy'

    // Add a source directory using a File object
    source file('../shared/java')

    // Add some source directories using a closure
    source { file('src/test/').listFiles() }

16.6. 复制文件

16.6. Copying files

你可以使用 Copy 任务来复制文件。复制任务非常灵活,并允许您进行,比如筛选要复制的文件的内容,或映射文件的名称。
You can use the Copy task to copy files. The copy task is very flexible, and allows you to, for example, filter the contents of the files as they are copied, and map to the file names.

若要使用 Copy任务,您必须提供用于复制的源文件和目标目录。您还可以在复制文件的时候指定如何转换文件。你可以使用一个 复制规范来做这些。一个复制规范通过 CopySpec 接口来表示。 Copy任务实现了此接口。你可以使用 CopySpec.from() 方法指定源文件,使用 CopySpec.into() 方法使用目标目录。
To use the Copy task, you must provide a set of source files to copy, and a destination directory to copy the files to. You may also specify how to transform the files as they are copied. You do all this using a copy spec . A copy spec is represented by the CopySpec interface. The Copy task implements this interface. You specify the source files using the CopySpec.from() method. To specify the destination directory, use the CopySpec.into() method.

示例 16.10. 使用copy任务复制文件
Example 16.10. Copying files using the copy task


task copyTask(type: Copy) {
    from 'src/main/webapp'
    into 'build/explodedWar'

from()方法接受和 files()方法一样的任何参数。当参数解析为一个目录时,该目录下的所有文件(不包含目录本身) 都会递归复制到目标目录。当参数解析为一个文件时,该文件会复制到目标目录中。当参数解析为一个不存在的文件时,参数会被忽略。如果参数是一个任务,那么任务的输出文件 (即该任务创建的文件)会被复制,并且该任务会自动添加为 Copy任务的依赖项。 into()方法接受和 files()方法一样的任何参数。这里是另一个示例:
The from() method accepts any of the arguments that the files() method does. When an argument resolves to a directory, everything under that directory (but not the directory itself) is recursively copied into the destination directory. When an argument resolves to a file, that file is copied into the destination directory. When an argument resolves to a non-existing file, that argument is ignored. If the argument is a task, the output files (i.e. the files the task creates) of the task are copied and the task is automatically added as a dependency of the Copy task. The into() accepts any of the arguments that the file() method does. Here is another example:

示例 16.11. 指定复制任务的源文件和目标目录
Example 16.11. Specifying copy task source files and destination directory


task anotherCopyTask(type: Copy) {
    // Copy everything under src/main/webapp
    from 'src/main/webapp'
    // Copy a single file
    from 'src/staging/index.html'
    // Copy the output of a task
    from copyTask
    // Copy the output of a task using Task outputs explicitly.
    from copyTaskWithPatterns.outputs
    // Copy the contents of a Zip file
    from zipTree('src/main/assets.zip')
    // Determine the destination directory later
    into { getDestDir() }

您可以使用 Ant 风格的包含或排除模式,或使用一个闭包,来选择要复制的文件:
You can select the files to copy using Ant-style include or exclude patterns, or using a closure:

示例 16.12. 选择要复制的文件
Example 16.12. Selecting the files to copy


task copyTaskWithPatterns(type: Copy) {
    from 'src/main/webapp'
    into 'build/explodedWar'
    include '**/*.html'
    include '**/*.jsp'
    exclude { details -> details.file.name.endsWith('.html') && details.file.text.contains('staging') }

此外,你也可以使用 Project.copy() 方法来复制文件。它是与任务一样的工作方式,尽管它有一些主要的限制。首先, copy()不能进行增量操作(见 15.9章节,"跳过处于最新状态的任务")。
You can also use the Project.copy() method to copy files. It works the same way as the task with some major limitations though. First, the copy() is not incremental (see Section 15.9, “Skipping tasks that are up-to-date” ).

示例 16.13. 使用没有最新状态检查的 copy() 方法复制文件
Example 16.13. Copying files using the copy() method without up-to-date check


task copyMethod << {
    copy {
        from 'src/main/webapp'
        into 'build/explodedWar'
        include '**/*.html'
        include '**/*.jsp'

第二,当一个任务用作复制源(即作为 from() 的参数)的时候, copy()方法不能建立任务依赖性,因为它是一个方法,而不是一个任务。因此,如果您在任务的action里面使用 copy()方法,必须显式声明所有的输入和输出以得到正确的行为。
Secondly, the copy() method can not honor task dependencies when a task is used as a copy source (i.e. as an argument to from() ) because it's a method and not a task. As such, if you are using the copy() method as part of a task action, you must explicitly declare all inputs and outputs in order to get the correct behavior.

示例 16.14. 使用有最新状态检查的 copy() 方法复制文件
Example 16.14. Copying files using the copy() method with up-to-date check


task copyMethodWithExplicitDependencies{
    inputs.file copyTask // up-to-date check for inputs, plus add copyTask as dependency
    outputs.dir 'some-dir' // up-to-date check for outputs
        copy {
            // Copy the output of copyTask
            from copyTask
            into 'some-dir'

在可能的情况下,最好是使用 Copy任务,因为它支持增量构建和任务依赖关系推理,而不需要你额外付出。 copy()方法可以作为一个任务执行的 部分 来复制文件。即,这个copy()方法旨在用于自定义任务 (见 第 57 章, 编写自定义任务类)中,需要文件复制作为其一部分功能的时候。在这种情况下,自定义任务应充分声明与复制操作有关的输入/输出。
It is preferable to use the Copy task wherever possible, as it support incremental building and task dependency inference without any extra effort on your part. The copy() method can be used to copy files as part of a task's implementation. That is, the copy method is intended to be used by custom tasks (see Chapter 57, Writing Custom Task Classes ) that need to copy files as part of their function. In such a scenario, the custom task should sufficiently declare the inputs/outputs relevant to the copy action.

16.6.1. 重命名文件

16.6.1. Renaming files

示例 16.15. 重命名复制的文件
Example 16.15. Renaming files as they are copied


task rename(type: Copy) {
    from 'src/main/webapp'
    into 'build/explodedWar'
    // Use a closure to map the file name
    rename { String fileName ->
        fileName.replace('-staging-', '')
    // Use a regular expression to map the file name
    rename '(.+)-staging-(.+)', '$1$2'
    rename(/(.+)-staging-(.+)/, '$1$2')

16.6. 过滤文件

16.6.2. Filtering files

示例 16.16. 过滤要复制的文件
Example 16.16. Filtering files as they are copied


import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.FixCrLfFilter
import org.apache.tools.ant.filters.ReplaceTokens

task filter(type: Copy) {
    from 'src/main/webapp'
    into 'build/explodedWar'
    // Substitute property references in files
    expand(copyright: '2009', version: '2.3.1')
    // Use some of the filters provided by Ant
    filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [copyright: '2009', version: '2.3.1'])
    // Use a closure to filter each line
    filter { String line ->

16.6.3. 使用 CopySpec

16.6.3. Using the CopySpec class

Copy specs form a hierarchy. A copy spec inherits its destination path, include patterns, exclude patterns, copy actions, name mappings and filters.

示例 16.17. 嵌套的复制规范
Example 16.17. Nested copy specs


task nestedSpecs(type: Copy) {
    into 'build/explodedWar'
    exclude '**/*staging*'
    from('src/dist') {
        include '**/*.html'
    into('libs') {
        from configurations.runtime

16.7. 使用 Sync任务

16.7. Using the Sync task

Sync 任务继承了 Copy任务。当它执行时,它会将源文件复制到目标目录中,然后从目标目录移除所有不是它复制的文件。这可以用来做一些事情,比如安装你的应用程序、 创建你的归档文件的exploded副本,或维护项目的依赖项的副本。
The Sync task extends the Copy task. When it executes, it copies the source files into the destination directory, and then removes any files from the destination directory which it did not copy. This can be useful for doing things such as installing your application, creating an exploded copy of your archives, or maintaining a copy of the project's dependencies.

Here is an example which maintains a copy of the project's runtime dependencies in the build/libs directory.

示例 16.18. 使用同步任务复制依赖项
Example 16.18. Using the Sync task to copy dependencies


task libs(type: Sync) {
    from configurations.runtime
    into "$buildDir/libs"

16.8. 创建归档文件

16.8. Creating archives

一个项目可以有你所想要的一样多的 JAR 文件。您也可以将WAR、 ZIP 和TAG文件添加到您的项目。使用各种归档任务可以创建以下的归档文件: Zip , Tar , Jar , War , and Ear . 他们的工作方式都一样,所以让我们看看如何创建一个 ZIP 文件。
A project can have as many as JAR archives as you want. You can also add WAR, ZIP and TAR archives to your project. Archives are created using the various archive tasks: Zip , Tar , Jar , War , and Ear . They all work the same way, so let's look at how you create a ZIP file.

示例 16.19. 创建一个 ZIP 文件
Example 16.19. Creating a ZIP archive


apply plugin: 'java'

task zip(type: Zip) {
    from 'src/dist'
    into('libs') {
        from configurations.runtime

为什么要用 Java 插件?

Why are you using the Java plugin?

Java 插件对归档任务添加了一些默认值。如果你愿意,使用归档任务时可以不需要Java插件。您需要提供一些值给附加的属性。
The Java plugin adds a number of default values for the archive tasks. You can use the archive tasks without using the Java plugin, if you like. You will need to provide values for some additional properties.

归档任务与 Copy任务的工作方式一样,并且实现了相同的 CopySpec接口。像使用 Copy任务一样,你需要使用 from() 的方法指定输入的文件,并可以选择是否通过 into() 方法指定最终在存档中的位置。您可以通过一个复制规范来筛选文件的内容、 重命名文件和进行其他你可以做的事情。
The archive tasks all work exactly the same way as the Copy task, and implement the same CopySpec interface. As with the Copy task, you specify the input files using the from() method, and can optionally specify where they end up in the archive using the into() method. You can filter the contents of file, rename files, and all the other things you can do with a copy spec.

16.8.1. 归档命名

16.8.1. Archive naming

生成的归档的默认名称是 projectName - version . type 。举个例子:
The default name for a generated archive is projectName - version . type For example:

示例 16.20. 创建 ZIP 文件
Example 16.20. Creation of ZIP archive


apply plugin: 'java'

version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    from 'somedir'

println myZip.archiveName
println relativePath(myZip.destinationDir)
println relativePath(myZip.archivePath)

gradle -q myZip 的输出结果
Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

它添加了一个名称为 myZipZIP归档任务,产生 ZIP 文件 zipProject 1.0.zip。区分归档任务的名称和归档任务生成的归档文件的名称是很重要的。归档的默认名称可以通过项目属性 archivesBaseName 来更改。还可以在以后的任何时候更改归档文件的名称。
This adds a Zip archive task with the name myZip which produces ZIP file zipProject-1.0.zip . It is important to distinguish between the name of the archive task and the name of the archive generated by the archive task. The default name for archives can be changed with the archivesBaseName project property. The name of the archive can also be changed at any time later on.

这里有很多你可以在归档任务中设置的属性。它们在以下的 表 16.1,"存档任务-命名属性"中列出。你可以,比方说,更改归档文件的名称:
There are a number of properties which you can set on an archive task. These are listed below in Table 16.1, “Archive tasks - naming properties” . You can, for example, change the name of the archive:

示例 16.21. 配置归档任务-自定义归档名称
Example 16.21. Configuration of archive task - custom archive name


apply plugin: 'java'
version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    from 'somedir'
    baseName = 'customName'

println myZip.archiveName

gradle -q myZip 的输出结果
Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

You can further customize the archive names:

示例 16.22. 配置归档任务 - appendix & classifier
Example 16.22. Configuration of archive task - appendix & classifier


apply plugin: 'java'
archivesBaseName = 'gradle'
version = 1.0

task myZip(type: Zip) {
    appendix = 'wrapper'
    classifier = 'src'
    from 'somedir'

println myZip.archiveName

gradle -q myZip 的输出结果
Output of gradle -q myZip

> gradle -q myZip

表 16.1. 归档任务-命名属性

属性名称 类型 默认值 描述
archiveName String baseName - appendix - version - classifier . extension

如果这些属性中的任何一个为空,那后面的 -不会被添加到该名称中。

archivePath File destinationDir / archiveName 生成的归档文件的绝对路径。
destinationDir File 依赖于归档类型。JAR包和 WAR包会生成到 project.buildDir /libraries中。ZIP文件和 TAR文件会生成到 project.buildDir /distributions中。 存放生成的归档文件的目录
baseName String project.name 归档文件的名称中的基本名称部分。
appendix String null 归档文件的名称中的附录部分。
version String project.version 归档文件的名称中的版本部分。
classifier String null 归档文件的名称中的分类部分。
extension String 依赖于归档的类型,用于TAR文件,可以是以下压缩类型: zip, jar, war, tar, tgz or tbz2. 归档文件的名称中的扩展名称部分。

Table 16.1. Archive tasks - naming properties

Property name Type Default value Description
archiveName String baseName - appendix - version - classifier . extension

If any of these properties is empty the trailing - is not added to the name.

The base file name of the generated archive
archivePath File destinationDir / archiveName The absolute path of the generated archive.
destinationDir File Depends on the archive type. JARs and WARs are generated into project.buildDir /libraries . ZIPs and TARs are generated into project.buildDir /distributions . The directory to generate the archive into
baseName String project.name The base name portion of the archive file name.
appendix String null The appendix portion of the archive file name.
version String project.version The version portion of the archive file name.
classifier String null The classifier portion of the archive file name,
extension String Depends on the archive type, and for TAR files, the compression type as well: zip , jar , war , tar , tgz or tbz2 . The extension of the archive file name.

16.8.2. 共享多个归档之间的内容

16.8.2. Sharing content between multiple archives

你可以使用 Project.copySpec() 方法在归档之间共享内容。
You can use the Project.copySpec() method to share content between archives.

你经常会想要发布一个归档文件,这样就可从另一个项目中使用它。这一过程在 第 51章, 发布文件 中会讲到。
Often you will want to publish an archive, so that it is usable from another project. This process is described in Chapter 51, Publishing artifacts