Groovy Documentation | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
Dependency | Represents a dependency of an IDEA module. |
Class Summary | |
FilePath | A Path that keeps the reference to the File |
IdeaLanguageLevel | Java language level used by IDEA projects. |
IdeaModel | DSL-friendly model of the IDEA project information. |
IdeaModule | Enables fine-tuning module details (*.iml file) of the IDEA plugin . |
IdeaModuleIml | Models the generation/parsing/merging capabilities of an IDEA module. |
IdeaProject | Enables fine-tuning project details (*.ipr file) of the IDEA plugin. |
IdeaWorkspace | Enables fine-tuning workspace details (*.iws file) of the IDEA plugin. |
JarDirectory | Represents a jar directory element of an idea module library. |
Jdk | Represents information for the project Java SDK. |
Module | Represents the customizable elements of an iml (via XML hooks everything of the iml is customizable). |
ModuleDependency | Represents an orderEntry of type module in the iml XML. |
ModuleLibrary | Represents an orderEntry of type module-library in the iml XML. |
Path | Represents a path in a format as used often in ipr and iml files. |
PathFactory | |
Project | Represents the customizable elements of an ipr (via XML hooks everything of the ipr is customizable). |
ProjectLibrary | A project-level IDEA library. |
SingleEntryModuleLibrary | Single entry module library |
Workspace | Represents the customizable elements of an ipr (via XML hooks everything of the ipr is customizable). |
Gradle API 1.12