Groovy Documentation | |||||||
Interface Summary | |
JUnitXmlReport | The JUnit XML files, commonly used to communicate results to CI servers. |
TestDescriptor | Describes a test. |
TestFilter | Allows filtering tests for execution. |
TestListener | Interface for listening to test execution. |
TestLogging | Configures logging of the test execution, e.g. whether the std err / out should be eagerly shown. |
TestOutputEvent | Standard output or standard error message logged during the execution of the test |
TestOutputListener | Listens to the output events like printing to standard output or error |
TestResult | Describes a test result. |
TestTaskReports | The reports produced by the Test task. |
Class Summary | |
Test | Executes JUnit (3.8.x or 4.x) or TestNG tests. |
TestFrameworkOptions | The base class for any test framework specific options. |
TestReport | Generates an HTML test report from the results of one or more Test tasks. |
Enum Summary | |
TestOutputEvent.Destination | Destination of the message |
TestResult.ResultType | The final status of a test. |
Gradle API 1.12