Groovy Documentation

Package org.gradle.api.plugins.quality

Plugins which measure and enforce code quality.


Interface Summary
CheckstyleReports The reporting configuration for the Checkstyle test.
CodeNarcReports The reporting configuration for the CodeNarc test.
FindBugsReports The reporting configuration for the FindBugs task.
FindBugsXmlReport The single file XML report for FindBugs.
JDependReports The reporting configuration for the JDepend task.
PmdReports The reporting configuration for the Pmd task.

Class Summary
Checkstyle Runs Checkstyle against some source files.
CodeNarc Runs CodeNarc against some source files.
CodeQualityPlugin A plugin which measures and enforces code quality for Java and Groovy projects.
FindBugs Analyzes code with FindBugs.
FindBugsExtension Configuration options for the FindBugs plugin.
FindBugsPlugin A plugin for the FindBugs byte code analyzer.
JDepend Analyzes code with JDepend.
JDependExtension Configuration options for the JDepend plugin.
Pmd Runs a set of static code analysis rules on Java source code files and generates a report of problems found.
PmdExtension Configuration options for the PMD plugin.
PmdPlugin A plugin for the PMD source code analyzer.

Enum Summary
TargetJdk Represents the PMD targetjdk property available for PMD < 5.0

Gradle API 1.12