第四十四章. 分发插件

Chapter 44. The Distribution Plugin

分发插件目前是一个试验性插件。注意,在以后的 Gradle 版本中,其 DSL 和其他配置可能会有变化。
The distribution plugin is currently incubating. Please be aware that the DSL and other configuration may change in later Gradle versions.

The distribution plugin facilitates building archives that serve as distributions of the project. Distribution archives typically contain then executable application and other supporting files, such as documentation.

44.1. 用法

44.1. Usage

To use the distribution plugin, include in your build script:

示例 44.1. 使用分发插件 - Example 44.1. Using the distribution plugin


apply plugin: 'distribution'

The plugin adds an extension named "distributions" of type DistributionContainer to the project. It also creates a single distribution in the distributions container extension named "main". If your build only produces one distribution you only need to configure this distribution (or use the defaults).

你可以运行“gradle distZip”把 main distribution 打包为 ZIP,或者是运行“gradle distTar”来创建一个 GZip 压缩的 TAR 文件。这些文件将会创建在“$buildDir/distributions/$project.name-$project.version.«ext»”。
You can run "gradle distZip" to package the main distribution as a ZIP, or "gradle distTar" to create a GZip compressed TAR file. The files will be created at "$buildDir/distributions/$project.name-$project.version.«ext»".

你可以运行“gradle installDist”将未经压缩的分发内容组装到“$buildDir/install/main”。
You can run "gradle installDist" to assembles the distribution content, uncompressed, into "$buildDir/install/main".

44.2. 任务

44.2. Tasks

The Distribution plugin adds the following tasks to the project:

表 44.1. 分发插件——任务 - Table 44.1. Distribution plugin - tasks

Task name
Depends on
distZip - Zip 创建分发内容的 ZIP 存档
Creates a ZIP archive of the distribution contents
distTar - Tar 创建分发内容的 ZIP 存档
Creates a ZIP archive of the distribution contents
installDist - Sync 组装分发内容,并将其安装在当前计算机上
Assembles the distribution content and installs it on the current machine

For each extra distribution set you add to the project, the distribution plugin adds the following tasks:

表 44.2. 多分发——任务 - Table 44.2. Multiple distributions - tasks

Task name
Depends on
${distribution.name}DistZip - Zip 创建分发内容的 ZIP 存档
Creates a ZIP archive of the distribution contents
${distribution.name}DistTar - Tar 创建分发内容的 TAR 文件
Creates a TAR archive of the distribution contents
install${distribution.name.capitalize()}Dist - Sync 组装分发内容,并将其安装在当前计算机上
Assembles the distribution content and installs it on the current machine

示例 44.2. 添加额外的分发 - Example 44.2. Adding extra distributions


apply plugin: 'distribution'

version = '1.2'
distributions {
    custom {}

This will add following tasks to the project:

  • customDistZip
  • customDistTar
  • installCustomDist

鉴于项目的名称是“myproject”,版本为“1.2”,运行“gradle customDistZip”将会产生一个名为“myproject-custom-1.2.zip”的 ZIP 文件。
Given that the project name is "myproject" and version "1.2", running "gradle customDistZip" will produce a ZIP file named "myproject-custom-1.2.zip".

运行“gradle installCustomDist”将会把分发内容安装到“$buildDir/install/custom”。
Running "gradle installCustomDist" will install the distribution contents into "$buildDir/install/custom".

44.3. 分发内容

44.3. Distribution contents

All of the files in the "src/$distribution.name/dist" directory will automatically be included in the distribution. You can add additional files by configuring the Distribution object that is part of the container.

示例 44.3. 配置 main distribution - Example 44.3. Configuring the main distribution


apply plugin: 'distribution'

distributions {
    main {
        baseName = 'someName'
        contents {
            from { 'src/readme' }

在上面的示例中,“src/readme”目录的内容将被包含进 distribution(与默认添加的“src/dist/main”目录中的文件一起)。
In the example above, the content of the "src/readme" directory will be included in the distribution (along with the files in the "src/dist/main" directory which are added by default).

The "baseName" property has also been changed. This will cause the distribution archives to be created with a different name.