第六十三章. 比较构建

Chapter 63. Comparing Builds

构建比较支持是一个实验性 功能。这表示它是不完整的,而且还没有稳定的 Gradle 生产质量。同时也意味着本章 Gradle 用户指南还在完善中。
Build comparison support is an incubating feature. This means that it is incomplete and not yet at regular Gradle production quality. This also means that this Gradle User Guide chapter is a work in progress.

Gradle 提供了用于比较两个构建的结果(例如生成的二进制归档 ) 的支持。让你可能想要比较两个构建的结果的原因有几个。你可能想要比较:
Gradle provides support for comparing the outcomes (e.g. the produced binary archives) of two builds. There are several reasons why you may want to compare the outcomes of two builds. You may want to compare:

通过比较这些场景中的构建,通过了解结果中的差异,你可以对 Gradle 升级,迁移到 Gradle 或构建更改做出明智的决策。比较过程会生成一份 HTML 报告,其中概述发现了哪些结果是相同的,并确定不同结果之间的差异。
By comparing builds in these scenarios you can make an informed decision about the Gradle upgrade, migration to Gradle or build change by understanding the differences in the outcomes. The comparison process produces a HTML report outlining which outcomes were found to be identical and identifying the differences between non-identical outcomes.

63.1. 术语定义

63.1. Definition of terms

The following are the terms used for build comparison and their definitions.


在构建比较的上下文中,一个构建不一定是一个 Gradle 构建。它可以是任何可调用的“进程”,产生可观察的“结果”。在比较中,至少有一个构建将是 Gradle 构建。
In the context of build comparison, a build is not necessarily a Gradle build. It can be any invokable “process” that produces observable “outcomes”. At least one of the builds in a comparison will be a Gradle build.

“Build Outcome”

在构建期间以可观察的方式发生的事情,例如创建 zip 文件或测试执行。这些都是用于比较的东西。
Something that happens in an observable manner during a build, such as the creation of a zip file or test execution. These are the things that are compared.

“Source Build”

The build that comparisons are being made against, typically the build in its “current” state. In other words, the left hand side of the comparison.

“Target Build”

The build that is being compared to the source build, typically the “proposed” build. In other words, the right hand side of the comparison.

“Host Build”

执行比较过程的 Gradle 构建。它可能与“目标”或“源”构建相同的项目,也可能是一个完全独立的项目。它不需要与“源”或“目标”构建相同的 Gradle 版本。主机构建必须运行在 Gradle 1.2 或更高的版本。
The Gradle build that executes the comparison process. It may be the same project as either the “target” or “source” build or may be a completely separate project. It does not need to be the same Gradle version as the “source” or “target” builds. The host build must be run with Gradle 1.2 or newer.

“Compared Build Outcome”

Build outcomes that are intended to be logically equivalent in the “source” and “target” builds, and are therefore meaningfully comparable.

“Uncompared Build Outcome”

A build outcome is uncompared if a logical equivalent from the other build cannot be found (e.g. a build produces a zip file that the other build does not).

“Unknown Build Outcome”

主机构建无法理解的构建结果。当源构建或目标构建是比主机构建更新的 Gradle 版本且 Gradle 版本有新增加的结果类型时,就会有这种情况。目前为止,未知的构建结果是可以被比较的,因为它们可以确定与其他构建的未知构建结果是否为逻辑等价物,但无法对其实际执行的构建结果进行有意义的比较。对主机构建使用最新的 Gradle 版本将避免遇到未知的构建结果。
A build outcome that cannot be understood by the host build. This can occur when the source or target build is a newer Gradle version than the host build and that Gradle version exposes new outcome types. Unknown build outcomes can be compared in so far as they can be identified to be logically equivalent to an unknown build outcome in the other build, but no meaningful comparison of what the build outcome actually is can be performed. Using the latest Gradle version for the host build will avoid encountering unknown build outcomes.

63.2. 当前功能

63.2. Current Capabilities

As this is an incubating feature, a limited set of the eventual functionality has been implemented at this time.

63.2.1. 支持的构建

63.2.1. Supported builds

Only support for executing Gradle builds is available at this time. Source and target build must execute with Gradle newer or equal to 1.0. Host build must be at least 1.2.

未来的版本会支持从其他构建系统执行的构建,比如Apache Ant或Apache Maven,以及支持执行任意进程(比如基于shell脚本的构建)。
Future versions will provide support for executing builds from other build systems such as Apache Ant or Apache Maven, as well as support for executing arbitrary processes (e.g. shell script based builds)

63.2.2. 支持的构建结果

63.2.2. Supported build outcomes

目前仅支持比较 zip 归档的构建结果。包括jarwarear归档。
Only support for comparing build outcomes that are zip archives is supported at this time. This includes jar, war and ear archives.

Future versions will provide support for comparing outcomes such as test execution (i.e. which tests were executed, which tests failed, etc.)

63.3. 比较Gradle构建

63.3. Comparing Gradle Builds

compare-gradle-compile 插件可用于方便地比较两个 Gradle 构建。该插件向项目添加了一个叫做“compareGradleBuilds”的CompareGradleBuilds任务。这个任务的配置指定了要比较的内容。默认情况下,它被配置为对当前构建,与本身使用当前的 Gradle 版本所执行的任务:“clean assemble”进行比较。
The compare-gradle-builds plugin can be used to facilitate a comparison between two Gradle builds. The plugin adds a CompareGradleBuilds task named “compareGradleBuilds” to the project. The configuration of this task specifies what is to be compared. By default, it is configured to compare the current build with itself using the current Gradle version by executing the tasks: “clean assemble”.

apply plugin: 'compare-gradle-builds'

This task can be configured to change what is compared.

compareGradleBuilds {
    sourceBuild {
        projectDir "/projects/project-a"
        gradleVersion "1.1"
    targetBuild {
        projectDir "/projects/project-b"
        gradleVersion "1.2"

The example above configures a comparison between two different projects using two different Gradle versions.

63.3.1. 尝试 Gradle 升级

63.3.1. Trying Gradle upgrades

You can use the build comparison functionality to very quickly try a new Gradle version with your build.

想尝试对你当前的构建使用一个不同的Gradle版本,只需要对 根项目build.gradle 添加以下的配置。
To try your current build with a different Gradle version, simply add the following to the build.gradle of the root project.

apply plugin: 'compare-gradle-builds'

compareGradleBuilds {
    targetBuild.gradleVersion = "«gradle version»"

Then simply execute the compareGradleBuilds task. You will see the console output of the “source” and “target” builds as they are executing.

63.3.2. 比较“结果”

63.3.2. The comparison “result”

If there are any differences between the compared outcomes, the task will fail. The location of the HTML report providing insight into the comparison will be given. If all compared outcomes are found to be identical, and there are no uncompared outcomes, and there are no unknown build outcomes the task will succeed.

You can configure the task to not fail on compared outcome differences by setting the ignoreFailures property to true.

compareGradleBuilds {
    ignoreFailures = true

63.3.3. 哪些归档文件会被比较?

63.3.3. Which archives are compared?

For an archive to be a candidate for comparison, it must be added as an artifact of the archives configuration. Take a look at Chapter 51, Publishing artifacts for more information on how to configure and add artifacts.

同时,这个归档还必须由ZipJarWarEar任务生成。未来的 Gradle 版本在这方面上会更加灵活。
The archive must also have been produced by a Zip, Jar, War, Ear task. Future versions of Gradle will support increased flexibility in this area.